
Friday 24 May 2024

The Most Holy Trinity - Sunday 26th May 2024

Sunday 26th May 2024
The Most Holy Trinity
The Most Holy Trinity by St. Faustina:
"When One of the Three Persons communicates with a soul, by the power of that one will, it finds itself united with the Three Persons and is inundated in the happiness flowing from the Most Holy Trinity, the same happiness that nourishes the saints. This same happiness that streams from the Most Holy Trinity makes all creation happy; from it springs that life which vivifies and bestows all life which takes its beginning from Him."

Masses & Liturgies for the Coming Week…
Friday 24th May
5pm – 5:50pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
6pm Weekday Mass (Feria)

Saturday 25th May
9am – 9:50am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament & Confessions
10am Mass, Saint Bede the Venerable, Priest & Doctor of the Church (Memoria)
St. Bede was born in 673 A.D. and educated by the Benedictines; he joined the monastery, and began a life of great erudition, producing many writings: particularly on the Scriptures and History of the Church in Britain. He died in 735 A.D. (In the Lady Chapel)
6pm The Holy Rosary for Peace in the World
6:30pm Vigil Mass for The Most Holy Trinity

Sunday 26th May
9:30am The Holy Rosary for Peace in the World
10am Mass for The Most Holy Trinity

Tuesday 28th May
5pm – 5:50pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
6pm Weekday Mass (Feria)

Wednesday 29th May
9:15am – 9:50am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
10am Weekday Mass (Feria)
7pm – 8pm Parish Bible Study Group (see below for details)

Thursday 30th May
9:15am – 9:50am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
10am Weekday Mass (Feria)

Friday 31st May
5pm – 5:50pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
6pm Mass, The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Feast)
This feast goes back to the 13th/14th century. It was established widely throughout the Church to pray for unity. Like most feasts of Mary, it is closely connected with Jesus and his saving work. The more visible actors in the visitation drama (see Luke 1:39-45) are Mary and Elizabeth. However, Jesus and John the Baptist steal the scene in a hidden way. Jesus makes John leap with joy—the joy of messianic salvation. Elizabeth, in turn, is filled with the Holy Spirit and addresses words of praise to Mary—words that echo down through the ages.

Saturday 1st June
9am – 9:50am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament & Confessions
10am Mass, Saint Justin, Martyr (Memoria) - (celebrated in the Lady Chapel)
St. Justin was born in Samaria in 110A.D. On becoming a Christian he wrote two great works in defence of Christianity – the "Apology" and the 2Dialogue with Trypho". These give us information on the earliest Christian communities. In 165 A.D. Justin was arrested and condemned to death.
6pm The Holy Rosary for Peace in the World
6:30pm Vigil Mass of Corpus Christi (The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ)
There will be Benediction at the end of Mass for this great solemnity

Sunday 2nd June
9:30am The Holy Rosary for Peace in the World
10am Mass of Corpus Christi (The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ)
There will be Benediction at the end of Mass for this great solemnity

Sanctuary Lamp
This week (25th May - 1st June), the Sanctuary Lamp is for the Owen Family.

Last Week's Easter Offertory Collection
£590.31. Thank you for your kind generosity.

Parish Bible Study – St. John's Gospel
The next session is Wednesday 29th May from 7pm – 8pm. All are welcome. All you need is a Bible and an openness to come to know Our Lord better.

Notice about scam email
The Diocese of Salford has shared a warning about a scam email that has been circulated to some parishes in our diocese, purporting to be from the parish priest. Please be aware that this is not a genuine email. If you come across any such email, please do not engage with it and simply delete it from your inbox. If you are ever unsure about an email from the parish, please call the parish office and we'd be happy to advise.

Update on our Diocesan Synod
On Saturday 18 May, hundreds of Synod Members from across the diocese gathered for the latest update in our diocesan synod journey. The day focused around the four principal themes that emerged from the Big Listen stage of the process, which took place between October 2023 and January 2024. The four themes are: Nurturing Faith in Tomorrow's World, Building Connections, Enabling Access, and Fostering Christ-like Care. To find out more about the latest updates, what's next for our diocesan synod, or how you can get involved, please visit

St. Oswald's School
On Tuesday morning I was invited by school to talk to the Upper Years about the sorrowful mysteries focusing especially on the Agony in the Garden and The Crucifixion of Our Lord. The Sorrowful Mysteries are those bitter sweet moments when we feel uncomfortable and are disturbed with how Jesus, Our Lord and God, was ill treated and continues to be. Yet they also draw us into His utter unfathomable love for us where he freely accepted suffering and laid down His life for us. On Friday morning the school community came together for its Rosary Rally to give thanks to God for the gift of Our Lady and also to ask Mary's intercession to help us come to know Our Lord's love for us better.

Get Social
Are you aged 18-35? Are you looking to celebrate your faith with other young Catholic adults across the diocese? Give the Diocese of Salford Young Adults Ministry a follow on Instagram! For the latest on upcoming events, opportunities to connect and get involved, as well as regular content and resources to nurture your faith life on the go, simply search @salfordyouth on Instagram.

Quarant'ore at Salford Cathedral temporary church (5th – 8th June 2024)
During this Year of Prayer in preparation for the 2025 Year of Jubilee, you are invited to join us at Salford Cathedral's temporary church for a special time of prayer - 40 Hours of Adoration of Our Lord Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. We will pray for a special intention each day. The times of Holy Mass, Confessions and Exposition during Quarant'ore can be found at All are welcome to join us!

Caritas Salford Appeal for Volunteers
Caritas Salford, our diocesan charity, is appealing for volunteers to support its work across Greater Manchester and Lancashire. Even a few hours can have a huge impact on the lives of others locally. To find out more about the huge range of opportunities available - from gardening to van driving, supporting their services to becoming a Caritas parish rep or accessibility advocate - visit their website now:

Caritas Parish Representatives
Caritas Salford is inviting parishes who do not currently have a Caritas Parish Rep as part of their social action/justice provision to get in touch to find out more about how they can help their community put love and faith into action. For more information, please email

Job Vacancies
Education Administrator - Diocese of Salford
Appointment Type: Full-time, permanent (Term time only will be considered)
Working Hours: 35 hours per week to be worked Monday to Friday
Location: Cathedral Centre, 3 Ford Street, Salford, M3 6DP
Salary: £24,983 – £28,668 per annum
Find out more and apply at

Parish Hall Supervisor - Holy Family and Our Lady of Perpetual Succour (replacement role)
Appointment Type: Part time, 12 months fixed term
Working Hours: 15 hours per week
Location: St. Joseph's Parish Centre, Audley Range, Blackburn and Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Parish Hall, Highercroft, Blackburn
Salary: £12 per hour
Find out more and apply at

God Bless and keep praying.
Our Lady of Oswaldtwistle, pray for us.
Saint Joseph, pray for us.

Fr. O'Brien