
Friday 17 May 2024

Pentecost Sunday - Sunday 19th May 2024

Sunday 19th May 2024

Pentecost Sunday

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful

and kindle in them the fire of your love.

Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created,

and you shall renew the face of the earth.

Let us pray.

O God, who have taught the hearts of the faithful

by the light of the Holy Spirit,

grant that in the same Spirit we may be truly wise

and ever rejoice in his consolation.

Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Masses & Liturgies for the Coming Week…

Friday 17th May

5pm – 5:50pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

6pm Easter Weekday Mass

Saturday 18th May

9am – 9:50am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament & Confessions

10am Easter Votive Mass of Our Lady (In the Lady Chapel)

6pm The Holy Rosary for Peace in the World

6:30pm Vigil Mass for Pentecost Sunday

Sunday 19th May

9:30am The Holy Rosary for Peace in the World

10am Mass for Pentecost Sunday

Tuesday 21st May

5pm – 5:50pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

6pm Mass (Feria)

Wednesday 22nd May

10am Requiem Mass for Doreen Grundy RIP

Thursday 23rd May

9:15am – 9:50am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

10am Mass, Our Lord Jesus Christ, The Eternal High Priest (Feast)

The Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Eternal High Priest, on the first Thursday after Pentecost, focuses on Jesus' Priestly Office. Jesus is considered the model for believers, and for the clergy in particular, with priests acting in persona Christi ("In the person of Christ"). The laity are thus urged to pray that priests would be more like Christ, the compassionate and trustworthy high priest ever- living to intercede for humanity before The Father.

Friday 24th May

5pm – 5:50pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

6pm Weekday Mass (Feria)

Saturday 25th May

9am – 9:50am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament & Confessions

10am Mass, Saint Bede the Venerable, Priest & Doctor of the Church (Memoria)

St. Bede was born in 673 A.D. and educated by the Benedictines; he joined the monastery, and began a life of great erudition, producing many writings: particularly on the Scriptures and History of the Church in Britain. He died in 735 A.D. (In the Lady Chapel)

6pm The Holy Rosary for Peace in the World

6:30pm Vigil Mass for The Most Holy Trinity

Sunday 26th May

9:30am The Holy Rosary for Peace in the World

10am Mass for The Most Holy Trinity

Sanctuary Lamp

This week (18th May - 25th May), the Sanctuary Lamp is for the Burton Family.

Last Week's Easter Offertory Collection

£615.20. Thank you for your kind generosity.

The Society of African Missions (SMA) Parish Appeal

The parish raised £239.63 after Fr. Rosairo Arputham SMA made his appeal here at St. Mary's on the weekend of the 4th/5th May.

The New Lectionary

This Advent (Sunday 1st December 2024) the new Lectionary comes into mandatory use in England and Scotland and Wales.

'The Lectionary, which is the book that contains the Scripture readings for Mass and the Sacraments, is changing as part of the continuing process of revising liturgical translations. The process began with the Roman Missal in 2011 and has continued with all the other liturgical texts. The new Lectionary will use the English Standard Version - Catholic Edition of the Bible and the Abbey Psalter. The changes are intended to make the biblical translations more faithful to the original languages, biblical scholarship, and to provide a text for use in liturgical setting that is more proclaimable and, where appropriate, more inclusive.'

The Ambo edition is the one we will need for church and is part of a 4 volume set.

Volume I - Sundays, Solemnities, Feasts of the Lord.

Volume II - Weekdays: Advent, Christmas, Ordinary Time (weeks 1-9), Lent, Easter. Proper of Saints: December – June, Commons.

Volume III - Weekdays: Ordinary Time (6-34). 
Proper of Saints: June – November, Commons.

Volume IV - Ritual Masses, Masses for Various Needs and Occasions, 
Votive Masses, Masses for the Dead.

Thank you to all those who have donated towards the Lectionary after the mid week e-newsletter was sent out. We now have the money for the complete 4 volume set for church. A parishioner has asked today would it be possible to donate towards a Lectionary set for the Lady Chapel for when we have Saturday morning Mass each week. If people would like to donate the funds towards buying one of the volumes (£173.75 per volume) there name would be inscribed on a Donor Bookplate in the front of the lectionary. If you would like to donate one of the volumes for the Lady Chapel please contact Fr. O'Brien, by telephone (01254) 232 433 or email For more information regarding the new mandatory lectionary and the opportunity to get new Sunday and Weekday Missals please visit

Parish Bible Study – St. John's Gospel

The next session is Wednesday 29th May from 7pm – 8pm. All are welcome. All you need is a Bible and an openness to come to know Our Lord better.

Congratulations -First Holy Communion

Congratulations to Stevie, Beau, Rosie, Maya, Niamh, Laura and Alicja who have all received Our Lord in Holy Communion for the first time during this Easter 2024. Over the last few months Stevie, Beau, Rosie, Maya, Niamh, Laura and Alicja have been meeting with me for weekly catechism lessons. As always its been a joy, as their parish priest, to accompany them and their families on this part of their faith journey. Let's pray for all our young people that they will always appreciate the Sacraments of Confession and the Holy Eucharist which lead them uniquely and personally to Jesus Christ, Our Lord, who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. For more information regarding catechism and preparation for the sacraments please contact Father O'Brien at the end of a weekend Mass.

St. Oswald's School

On Thursday I was invited by school to talk to Years 1 & 2 about two of the sorrowful mysteries – The Crowning of Thorns and Our Lord Carries the Cross. Before the end of term, each class will have thought about a particular mystery which they will pray at their Rosary Rally before the half term holiday begins. It's always good to be invited by school to share our Catholic faith with the children and pass on such an important prayer like the Rosary.

Mental Health and Well-being Day

'Directions for Men', a mental health charity, in conjunction with St Anne's Parish, Fairfield, is offering a free Mental Health and Well-being day on Tuesday 21 May from 1.00 to 4.00 pm in St Anne's Parish Hall, Ashton Old Road, Manchester, M11 1GR. Everyone is very welcome to drop in during the afternoon. Refreshments will be provided.

Quarant'ore at Salford Cathedral temporary church (5th – 8th June 2024)

During this Year of Prayer in preparation for the 2025 Year of Jubilee, you are invited to join us at Salford Cathedral's temporary church for a special time of prayer - 40 Hours of Adoration of Our Lord Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. We will pray for a special intention each day. The times of Holy Mass, Confessions and Exposition during Quarant'ore can be found at All are welcome to join us!

Rosary around the Campfire

Please join us for a peaceful hour of prayer and reflection as we host a special praying of The Rosary at our Laudato Si' Centre on Monday 20th May at 1pm. All are welcome to join as we settle on our tree trunks around the campfire to share in an ecological reflection on the Sorrowful Mysteries. Please register your interest at and feel free to bring your own chair or blanket for additional comfort.

Caritas Salford Appeal for Volunteers

Caritas Salford, our diocesan charity, is appealing for volunteers to support its work across Greater Manchester and Lancashire. Even a few hours can have a huge impact on the lives of others locally. To find out more about the huge range of opportunities available - from gardening to van driving, supporting their services to becoming a Caritas parish rep or accessibility advocate - visit their website now:

Caritas Parish Representatives

Caritas Salford is inviting parishes who do not currently have a Caritas Parish Rep as part of their social action/justice provision to get in touch to find out more about how they can help their community put love and faith into action. For more information, please email

Job Vacancies

Education Administrator - Diocese of Salford

Appointment Type: Full-time, permanent (Term time only will be considered)

Working Hours: 35 hours per week to be worked Monday to Friday

Location: Cathedral Centre, 3 Ford Street, Salford, M3 6DP

Salary: £24,983 – £28,668 per annum

Find out more and apply at

God Bless and keep praying.

Our Lady of Oswaldtwistle, pray for us.

Saint Joseph, pray for us.

Fr. O'Brien