
Saturday, 14 August 2021

Sunday 15th August 2021 - The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

 Sunday 15th August 2021

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary


Dear brothers and sisters,

            This week we reflect on the Second Luminous Mystery – The Marriage Feast at Cana. Meditating on this episode in Our Lord’s life, we are reminded of the importance of inviting Jesus and Mary into our daily lives.


‘Three days later there was a wedding at Cana in Galilee. The mother of Jesus was there, and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited. When they ran out of wine, since the wine provided for the wedding was all finished, the mother of Jesus said to him, ‘They have no wine.’

(John 2:1-3)


The newly weds are about to run out of wine for their guests. The celebration is at risk of being marred as the hospitality offered by the bride and groom is about to fall short. A day of joy is about to turn into a day of disappointment. However, the good news is that the couple have been wise and prudent. Maybe not with the wine ordering but with who they have invited to their special day

‘The Mother of Jesus was there...Jesus and his disciples had also been invited...’


Mary sees the problem that is emerging and intercedes with her Son to help.

‘His mother said to the servants, ‘Do whatever he tells you.’

...Jesus said to the servants, ‘Fill the jars with water’, and they filled them to the brim. ‘Draw some out now’ he told them ‘and take it to the steward.’ They did this; the steward tasted the water, and it had turned into wine.’ (John 2: 5-9)

In these verses we see why Our Lady is the great intercessor. She sees the needs of the couple and the guests just as she sees our worries and turns immediately to her Son for help. Jesus will never refuse Mary anything because she was the one who said ‘Yes’ to being the Mother of God, completely and totally. She was the one who accepted Our Lord into her very body and held him safe in her womb for nine months. She was the one who Our Lord knew would never leave, betray, deny or abandon him, even on the Cross at Calvary. When she interceded for the wedding couple, Jesus was always going to answer the request of his beloved and faithful mother.


By inviting Jesus and Mary to their celebration the bride and groom averted social disaster. Not only could they continue to offer hospitality to their guests with wine but with excellent wine that brimmed over in abundance.

[The steward] said, ‘People generally serve the best wine first, and keep the cheaper sort till the guests have had plenty to drink; but you have kept the best wine till now.’ (John 2:10)


As we pray with this second luminous mystery lets be inspired to imitate the married couple in the gospel and invite Jesus and Mary into our lives. Invite them into our joys, our struggles, our loneliness, our celebrations and our disappointments. When we invite our Lord and His Mother into our everyday lives and actively seek to nurture our relationship with them, then through faith miracles can be performed.

Masses & Liturgies for the Coming Week…

Wednesday 18th August

 10am Votive Mass of Saint Joseph

‘It is true the other saints enjoy great power in heaven, but they ask as servants, and do not command as masters. Saint Joseph, to whose authority Jesus was subject on earth, obtains what he desires from his kingly foster Son in heaven.’ St. Thomas Aquinas

Thursday 19th August

10am Votive Mass of Our Lady

The greatest saints, those richest in grace and virtue will be the most assiduous in praying to the most Blessed Virgin, looking up to her as the perfect model to imitate and as a powerful helper to assist them.” St. Louis Marie de Montfort

Friday 20th August

6pm Mass. Saint Bernard, Abbot and Doctor (Memoria)

St. Bernard was born near Citeaux in 1090 A.D. He joined the monastery there in 1111A.D. His presence revitalised the Cistercian house and he became abbot of the nearby monastery of Clairvaux later on. He was much in demand for his advice and counsel. He also worked to overcome divisions in the Church.      

Saturday 21st August

6:30pmVigil Mass for The Twenty First Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sunday 22nd August

 10am Mass for The Twenty First Sunday in Ordinary Time      

Following guidance from the diocese, we are still strongly encouraged to wear face masks in church and continue with the NHS Test & Trace system. Thank you for continuing to make St. Mary’s a safe and prayerful place for the Glory of God.

The Covid Vaccine

“Bishop John is urging all adults, who are able to do so, to be vaccinated. Pope Francis has reminded people of the duty to be vaccinated if they are able. The Church is clear that all Catholics can take any of the vaccines on offer with a clear conscience. Even if you are at a low risk of becoming seriously ill, being vaccinated will lower the risk of transmitting the virus to somebody else who might then have a severe reaction or even die. It is particularly important that those in our parishes, clergy and lay-people who visit those who are housebound or otherwise vulnerable are vaccinated.”

 Parish Readers

As restrictions are now being eased and parishes around the diocese are adapting to new circumstances I would like to invite both existing readers and potential new readers to contact me. The Word of God is so vital and life giving! It’s through the Scriptures that we encounter the Lord and He is able to speak, guide, direct, challenge, affirm and heal us. Readers are so important because through their clarity and voices they transmit the message that God wants us to hear at the Liturgy.

Covid has disturbed many peoples routines and personal circumstances which has meant that one or two existing readers have said they can no longer continue. That is perfectly understandable and I think it is so important nobody feels pressure to continue. The world has changed. If parishioners would like to volunteer to be readers or any existing readers would like to continue then please email me at and we can talk about the practicalities.                     

Extra-ordinary ministers of Holy Communion

We have been blessed over the years with dedicated parishioners who have been chosen by the various parish priests of St. Mary’s to be Extra-ordinary ministers of Holy Communion. Their chief and first role is to support the parish priest by visiting the sick who genuinely cannot attend the Holy Mass and bring the Blessed Sacrament to them. That time of praying together in the Real Presence of Jesus in Holy Communion brings such healing and consolation to those who are suffering and housebound.

I am aware that many of our existing Extra-ordinary ministers of Holy Communion have found that personal circumstances and routines have changed since the start of the Covid Pandemic last year. Therefore, without anybody feeling pressure, if those existing parish Extra-ordinary ministers of Holy Communion would like to continue then please do contact me and we can work out safely and correctly the sick visits that need to be undertaken. Email 

Similarly, if people would like to stand down I fully understand and appreciate that things have changed in parish life and nobody should feel under any pressure to continue. Thank you for what you have done for our sick and housebound in the past and may God Bless you.  

I’ll personally meet with those who wish to continue and go through the new format of safely distributing the Blessed Sacrament to those who are sick. At present there is no need for Extra-ordinary ministers of Holy Communion to assist me at the Mass.                

Caritas Bishop's Fund

Caritas is pleased to offer the Caritas Bishop’s Fund to parishes and schools to provide immediate support to families or individuals facing a crisis and now also to include food shopping vouchers. (We noted how helpful this was for families in crisis during the recent distribution of the National Lottery grant). Each school or parish may be allocated up to 6 applications per year to this Fund. For more information email:

Job Vacancies

PA/Senior Administrator - Chief Operating Officer's Office (replacement role)

Appointment Type: Full-time, permanent

Location: Cathedral Centre, 3 Ford Street, Salford, M3 6DP

Salary: £26,000 – £28,000 per annum

Cemetery Worker at St Mary's Cemetery, Worsley

Appointment Type: Full-time, permanent

Location: St Mary’s Cemetery, Wardley Hall Road, Worsley, Manchester, M28

Salary: £19,760-£20,074.97 per annum


For further information and how to apply please visit


Caritas Diocese of Salford Vacancies

Following a recent review and restructure, the opportunity for two new senior manager posts has been created within Caritas Diocese of Salford to help deliver our strategy as we emerge from the pandemic to new and existing challenges for those experiencing poverty, discrimination and disadvantage.  Each post will bring senior leadership and management experience to particular areas of our work.  One post will focus on our diverse community and voluntary social action projects and the second on our homelessness and supported accommodation projects.

The vacancies are:

1. Senior Manager, Homelessness & Supported Accommodation

2. Senior Manager, Social Action Projects

For further information and how to apply please visit


Aid to the Church in Need (ACN)

Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) is seeking eight Community Fundraisers to work with parishes, schools, special interest groups, and individual benefactors to raise awareness, generate prayer, and fundraise to support persecuted Christian communities around the world. Please visit the website at:

God Bless and keep praying.

Our Lady of Oswaldtwistle, pray for us.

Saint Joseph, pray for us.


Fr. O’Brien