
Sunday 9 August 2020

Available Mass times to pre-book 11th - 14th August


Face coverings are now mandatory in Places of Worship from Saturday 8th August 2020.

All those who are attending churches must wear a face covering unless they are exempt from doing so.

This is for the good of all who gather in the Church for Mass as it is an enclosed public space where there are people from differing households who they do not normally meet.

Mass times available to pre-book

In order that we comply with this requirement and maintain social distancing, a temporary phone booking system will be in place. This is not ideal but we do not live in ideal times at the moment. I would like to thank Ursula Heyes who has kindly volunteered to undertake this temporary work.

To book please ring Ursula on Wednesdays from 5pm - 6pm or on Fridays from 5pm – 6pm on 232433. For those parishioners that you know, who do not have access to the parish website, could you kindly pass this information on.


Tuesday 11th August 2020

6pm Mass, Saint Clare (Memoria)

Wednesday 12th August 2020

10am Votive Mass of Saint Joseph

Thursday 13th August 2020

10am Votive Mass of Our Lady

 Friday 14th August 2020

6pm Mass, Saint Maximilian Mary Kolbe (Memoria)


