Tuesday 9th June 2020
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
writing to update you about new information that we have received from the
diocesan communication department over the weekend:
Dear Fathers, Following on from the policy
circulated on Friday… now a date of the 15th June has been given for churches
to prepare to reopen for private prayer. In all diocesan statements we are
emphasising that this will not mean all churches will open on this day but that
we are doing all we can to ensure that churches will open safely. All churches
must be inspected and authorised for opening before they are opened for Private
The Bishop has stated, through his communications
department as you can see above, that not all churches will be opened. When a
church is finally inspected by a diocesan official and meets the required
conditions then the diocese will allow it to be reopened. In response to this
news I am very grateful to Jennifer Pickles, Karen Beard and Nevada Keenan who
will be facilitating various preparations so that we can meet the
pre-requisites to open St. Mary’s as soon as possible.
Jennifer will be overseeing a rota for
stewards/marshals. This is one of the conditions set down by the Bishops
Conference of England and Wales for a church to open.
‘First Steps: Preparing for safe re-opening
Even before churches can re-open, there are some
important preparations that will need to be made. In order to be ready, Parish Priests need to
ensure the fundamentals of infection control are in place (which will protect
those who are vulnerable) by doing the following:
1. Assembling a team of stewards to ensure that
the guidance in this document can safely be put into effect. The number of volunteers required will vary
depending on the size of churches, but priests will not be able to manage the
re-opening of churches on their own. It
is important that those in the team should not be drawn from those instructed
to shield themselves, nor, as a general rule, from groups considered more vulnerable
to coronavirus.’ (Bishops Conference of England & Wales June 2020)
As you can see from above, to fulfil this
condition a team of stewards/marshals is essential. This role will involve
volunteers attending to an appointed entrance and exit of the church building
and helping direct people to various hygiene stations. Marshals will help to clean and wipe down a
pew immediately after a person has left. To clean door handles etc that might
have been touched. To remind people (if needed) that church is open for silent
private prayer. If you would like to help as a steward then please email
Jennifer at jennifer.pickles@virginmedia.com
Karen Beard, the parish housekeeper, will be
overseeing the cleaning of church both for an initial deep clean and then for
regular weekly cleans, again in accordance with the conditions to be met by the
Bishops Conference:
6. The church must be cleaned fully at least once
a day, using appropriate cleaning products...
• Cleaning an area with normal household disinfectant or detergent
(including on pews) will reduce the risk of passing the infection on to other
• Those doing this work must wear disposable or washing-up gloves and
aprons for cleaning. How these are disposed
of or cleaned is important.
• The cleaning method for surfaces and touchpoints should be by using a
disposable cloth or disposable paper tissues; first clean hard surfaces with
detergent and water or detergent spray; not polish spray on its own…
• Those doing this work must practice good hygiene: wash their hands
regularly with soap and water for 20 seconds, especially after removing gloves,
aprons and other protection used while cleaning…
7. Toilet facilities in churches should remain
closed to prevent any risk of transmission of infection. If facilities for hand washing only can be
provided, and these can be cleaned frequently, then these can be opened to
allow people to wash their hands but only if liquid soap can be provided and
air driers or disposable paper towels are used. Cloth towels should not be
Conference of England & Wales June 2020)
If you are able to help St. Mary’s meet this
condition for reopening and volunteer to be a cleaner then please contact Karen
at jakey9998@aol.com
Navada Keenan will be facilitating the maintenance
of the church grounds. With the sunshine and rain over the last few weeks the
gardens of St. Mary’s have really bloomed – including the trees I love so much!
It would be wonderful to have some volunteers to help maintain the grounds like
the car park and all pathways around the church. For this to be done safely and
again in accordance with the governments social distancing rules Navada will be
overseeing some form of flexible rota. Please contact her at keenannavada@gmail.com
measures may seem burdensome, or even a little daunting. They are however necessary, not least because
if any churches are seen to be operating in a way that may increase the spread
of the virus, there is a risk that stricter measures such as prohibition or
enforced closure notices could be reimposed by local authorities or even
national administrations. It is our hope
that with priests and their parishioners working effectively together, we will
be able to open churches safely for private prayer, as a significant step
towards the resumption of the celebration of Mass and the sacraments.’ (Bishops Conference of England & Wales
June 2020)
I have received no communication from this diocese
about when we will be inspected but hopefully the more prepared we are the
better our chances to re-open. Without volunteers people will not be able to
come before the Presence of Lord in the Tabernacle. Everything we do, every box
we tick, every condition we meet is for Him and Him alone! At this time more
than ever we need Our Lord and most especially in the very presence of the
Blessed Sacrament.
God Bless and keep praying
Fr. O’Brien