
Friday, 7 March 2025

First Sunday of Lent - Sunday 9th March 2025

Sunday 9th March 2025

 First Sunday of Lent


News!!! Social Media News!!!

St. Mary's is now Live on Facebook and Instagram allowing us to be a visible presence on social media. A new first in the history of our parish! My thanks and appreciation to parishioner Jacqueline Fofah who has volunteered to be our parish social media co-ordinator and has set up our Facebook and Instagram page.

Facebook (St Marys RC Church Oswaldtwistle)

Instagram (stmarysrcoswaldtwistle)



Masses & Liturgies for the coming week...


Friday 7th March

1:40pm Funeral Service for Mary Frieda McNeill RIP at Accrington Crematorium

5pm – 5:50pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament & Confessions

 6pm Lenten Mass

6:30pm Stations of the Cross 


Saturday 8th March

9am – 9:50am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament & Sacrament of Confession

10am Lenten Weekday Mass (Celebrated in Lady Chapel

6pm The Holy Rosary for Pope Francis

6:30pm Vigil Mass of The First Sunday of Lent


Sunday 9th March

9:30am The Holy Rosary for Pope Francis

10am Mass of The First Sunday of Lent


Tuesday 11th March

5pm – 5:50pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament & Confessions

6pm Lenten Mass


Wednesday 12th March

9:15am – 9:50am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

10am Lenten Mass

10:30am Stations of the Cross

7pm Parish Bible Study (See below for details)   


Thursday 13th March

10am Requiem Mass for Philip Spittal RIP

1:15pm Funeral Service for Jean Leyland RIP

7pm Lenten Lancashire Martyrs Talk: Blessed Robert Nutter & Venerable John Nutter

(See below for details)


Friday 14th March

5pm – 5:50pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

 6pm Lenten Mass

6:30pm Stations of the Cross led by parishioners 


Saturday 15th March

9am – 9:50am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament & Sacrament of Confession

10am Lenten Mass (Celebrated in Lady Chapel

6pm The Holy Rosary for Pope Francis

6:30pm Vigil Mass of The Second Sunday of Lent


Sunday 16th March

9:30am The Holy Rosary for Pope Francis

10am Mass of The Second Sunday of Lent


Sanctuary Lamp

This week (8th March – 15th March), the Sanctuary Lamp is for Richard & Gertrude Henry, Cathleen & John Paul Haworth.



Last Week's Offertory Collection

£672.92. Thank you for your kind generosity.



Second Collection Notice for this Weekend (8th/9th March) - Sick and Retired Clergy Fund
Our Diocesan Retired Priests' Fund is a vital resource that provides accommodation, care, and support to our clergy during their retirement after years of dedicated service to our diocesan community. As the number of priests reaching retirement age has grown, this fund has never been more needed to ensure our clergy can enjoy the happy and dignified retirement they so deserve.
When the fund was first established, it was practice having a specified second collection in parishes to help support the fund.  These Second Collection dates were paused during Covid and, as yet, have not returned. The Vicars General have agreed that active collecting for the Fund should resume this year, and so there will be a Second Collection on the First Sunday of Lent (8th/9th March). We invite you to find out more about this fund and read our newsletter by visiting:



Lancashire Martyr Talks – 13th March & 18th March

This Lent Fr. John Broadley, parish priest of St. Marie's, Haslingden and church historian has very kindly agreed to give two talks on some of the Lancashire Martyrs. In this Holy Year with the theme 'Pilgrims of Hope', it is a good time to reflect and celebrate those past pilgrims of our Church who have trod our county of Lancashire holding on to the Faith despite persecution.    

7pm Thursday 13th March: Blessed Robert Nutter & Venerable John Nutter.

7pm Tuesday 18th March: Venerable Edward Rishton.

Refreshments will be available after each talk and all are welcome. 



Parish Bible Study – St. John's Gospel

The next session is Wednesday 12th March from 7pm – 8pm. All are welcome. All you need is a Bible and an openness to come to know Our Lord better.



Foodbank Donations

One of our parishioner's, Jackie Ringer who many of you will know from Mass and St. Mary's Rainbows, is hoping to re-establish our Foodbank Donation Box.

Oswaldtwistle Churches Together Food Bank, based at Rhyddings Methodist Church, Chapel Street, Oswaldtwistle opened in 2013. Members of St Mary's parish were involved in the original set up and volunteered on a regular basis over a period of time. St Mary's was a collection point with a food donation box at the back of church. Covid arrived and the collections ceased. As Lent is approaching, I am asking that we resurrect the box and ask my fellow parishioners to donate food items and/or toiletries. I will oversee this and will take the items on a regular basis to the foodbank. Many Thanks Jackie   

This weekend there will be a labelled donation box at the back of church for all those who would like to contribute. For more information or any questions for Jackie please email the parish office – - and we'll forward them on.  



The Sacrament of Confession

"There are people who are afraid to go to confession, forgetting that they will not encounter a severe judge there, but the immensely merciful Father." - Pope Franics

During Lent the Sacrament of Confession will be available on Tuesdays 5pm -5:45pm and Saturdays 9am – 9:45am.



Stations of the Cross

"In difficult moments, I will fix my gaze upon the silent Heart of Jesus stretched on the Cross, and from the exploding flames of His merciful Heart, will flow down upon me power and strength to keep fighting." – St. Faustina

During Lent following from the Wednesday morning parish Mass there will be an opportunity to pray the Stations of the Cross (led by Fr. O'Brien) and after the Friday 6pm parish Mass there will be another opportunity to pray the Stations (led by parishioners – thank you to all those who have kindly volunteered).       



Parish Lenten & Easter Walks

It would be wonderful to have some parish walks again this year however to do that we need people who are willing to facilitate and lead them. If any parishioners would like to volunteer to undertake this then please contact the parish office In the meantime Fr. O'Brien will lead a walk along the Tolkein Trail


Tolkein Trail Sunday 23rd March (Lent)

The Lord of the Rings reminds us of the power of Good over Evil. It was this landscape in the Ribble valley, around Stonyhurst College, that was meant to have shaped Tolkein's imagination when writing about the home of the Hobbits – The Shire.

Meeting at Hurst Green village car park by the Bayley Arms, 1:30pm

Distance 6 ½ miles 10.5km, Approx 3 hours

It is important to note that each person who joins us will be responsible for themselves and those in their family group.  Children must be accompanied by an adult. Be prepared for muddy hillsides and fells. Bring appropriate footware, clothing and food and drinks for the journey.



Lenten Day Retreat
The Parish of Our Lady of Hope in Salford is hosting a Day Retreat to help us prepare and reflect during this season of Lent. Taking place at Ss Peter and Paul RC Church, the retreat will include time for Adoration, praise and worship, with talks from guest speakers John Hesketh and Daniella Stephens. The retreat takes place on Saturday 29 March, 10am - 4pm. Lunch will be provided. 



A Message from the Friendship Club

The Friendship Club meets on the first Wednesday of the month in St Joseph's Parish Hall, Belgarth Rd, Accrington. We seem to have lost many of our friends from St Mary's Parish and we would love to meet new ones. We meet between 1:30pm and finish about 4:30pm. All are welcome male or female, young or old. If you have mobility or transport problems, we can often help you out. With this in mind many of our drivers can no longer help due to age related problems, we would also welcome volunteers to ferry some of our members to and from. For more information call Susan McKeown 07910747347



Jubilee for Communications
In celebration of the Holy Year, we are having a Jubilee of Jubilees to shine a light on a number of different themes represented in our diocese. We begin with our Jubilee for Communications, in which we explore this month's Gospels to reflect on how we can share the Good News in our world today. Access the resources now at 



Diocesan Synod
Last weekend saw the final phase of the Diocese of Salford Synod, which was started back in 2023. On Saturday our Parish representatives - Sharon and Mike - joined around 175 clergy and lay people from all over the Diocese to review the 40 recommendations that had been submitted as part of the Synodal programme and to vote on the top 4 priorities across 4 different headings. The headings are:

Leadership and Collaboration

Spirituality and Formation

Young People & Schools

Community and Outreach

It is worth noting that all 40 recommendations are worthy of implementation, but the chosen 16 will be the first areas that Bishop John Arnold and the Synod team will focus on as part of the implementation stage of the pastoral plan for the diocese. As Bishop John explained in his closing comments, the next step is to develop the policies to support the implementation of the first 16 recommendations, and he is going to gather a group of clergy, religious and lay people together how they form policies based on the recommendations. As soon as we have further news on the next steps, we will let you know. The final part of this phase was the Closing Liturgy of the Synod, which took place on Sunday at St Patrick's Church in Collyhurst. This joyous thanksgiving service was a chance for Bishop John to lead everyone in prayer and song to formally receive the Synod's recommendations, celebrate the end of this phase, and to pass on his thanks to all those that have been involved over the last two years. This has been an important and  worthwhile exercise where, over the last couple of years, parishioners from across the Diocese have been able to contribute towards the future direction  - not only for the Diocese of Salford, but also on a local parish level. A couple of lines from the final hymn - written by Canon Michael Cooke (Vicar General) - perfectly summed up the whole process and the reason it is so important:

"Gathering insights from all generations, wisdom of ages, voices of our youth......Help us to listen to your Holy Spirit; leading us on the journey we must go."

If you would like more information on the Voting Day and to see the 40 recommendations, and the top 4 priorities for each heading, you can find it at and look for the section  Diocesan Synod: The End of the Journey.



Are you aged between 18 and 35 or know someone who is? 
Our diocesan charity Caritas Diocese of Salford is looking for young adult volunteers to join their governance committee as co-opted members to help shape the charity in the coming months and years. Find out more about how you can help tackle poverty, homelessness, disadvantage, and displacement in our parish communities at 



Diocesan Pilgrimage to Walsingham 2025

Our diocesan pilgrimage office is now taking bookings for its next annual pilgrimage to Walsingham. Our pilgrimage in this Holy Year of Jubilee will take place on Saturday 3 May 2025, with an option to extend your visit by staying overnight on Friday 2 May. For more information, prices, and details on how to book, please visit or call 0161 817 2209



Accessible Prayer Walk
The Diocese of Salford's Laudato Si' Centre is teaming up with diocesan charity Caritas Salford to host an accessible prayer walk. The session offers an opportunity to explore the beautiful, accessible grounds of the Laudato Si' Centre along with a peaceful prayer reflection. The retreat takes place between 10am and 11.30am on Friday 14 March. Find out more and register by emailing



Job Vacancies
Senior Trust Fundraiser - Diocese of Salford
Appointment Type: Full-time, permanent
Working Hours: 35 hours per week, with potential for reduced hours.
Location: Cathedral Centre, 3 Ford Street, Salford, M3 6DP
Salary: £38,155 - £42,303 per annum, dependent on experience.
Find out more and apply at 



God Bless and keep praying.

Our Lady of Oswaldtwistle, pray for us.

Saint Joseph, pray for us.


Fr. O'Brien

Friday, 28 February 2025

Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Sunday 2nd March 2025

Sunday 2nd March 2025

 Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time



Masses & Liturgies for the coming week...


Friday 28th February

5pm – 5:50pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

 6pm Weekday Mass (Feria)


Saturday 1st March

9am – 9:50am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament & Sacrament of Confession

10am Mass, Saint David, Bishop (Feast) (Celebrated in Lady Chapel

St. David was born in Cardigan in 520A.D. He founded monasteries and became Bishop and Primate of Wales. He settled his See at Mynyw (Menevia) where he died in 588A.D.  

6pm The Holy Rosary for Peace in the World

6:30pm Vigil Mass of The Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)


Sunday 2nd March

9:30am The Holy Rosary for Pope Francis

10am Mass of The Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)


Tuesday 4th March

5pm – 5:50pm Adoration of the Blessed

6pm Weekday Mass (Feria)



5th March

(Day of Fasting & Abstinence)

10am Mass with the distribution of Ashes

5pm – 5:50pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament & Sacrament of Confession

6pm Mass with the distribution of Ashes


Thursday 6th March

9:30am Lenten Weekday Mass


Friday 7th March

1:40pm Funeral Service for Mary Frieda McNeill RIP at Accrington Crematorium

5pm – 5:50pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament & Confessions

 6pm Lenten Weekday Mass

6:30pm Stations of the Cross  


Saturday 8th March

9am – 9:50am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament & Sacrament of Confession

10am Lenten Weekday Mass (Celebrated in Lady Chapel

6pm The Holy Rosary for Peace in the World

6:30pm Vigil Mass of The First Sunday of Lent


Sunday 9th March

9:30am The Holy Rosary for Pope Francis

10am Mass of The First Sunday of Lent



Sanctuary Lamp

This week (1st March – 8th March), the Sanctuary Lamp is for the Gattei Family & The Bevan Family.



Our Lady's Lamp

This week (1st March – 8th March), Our Lady's Lamp is for Ken Le Pla.



Last Week's Offertory Collection

£634.90. Thank you for your kind generosity.



Second Collection Notice
Our Diocesan Retired Priests' Fund is a vital resource that provides accommodation, care, and support to our clergy during their retirement. When the fund was first established, it was practice having a specified second collection in parishes to help support the fund.  These Second Collection dates were paused during Covid and, as yet, have not returned. The Vicars General have agreed that active collecting for the Fund should resume this year, and so there will be a Second Collection on the First Sunday of Lent (9th March).  



Lent 2025

This year Lent begins on Ash Wednesday 5th March. Over the six weeks we are called to re-direct our hearts and minds towards Jesus through fasting, prayer and almsgiving. Lent is our spiritual spring clean that allows us to become aware of those things in life that stop us living for the Lord and loving Him. Throughout this penitential period there will be, as always, plenty of opportunity for prayer and meditation.


Ash Wednesday – 5th March

"Change your hearts and lives! Turn back to God so that your sins may be wiped away."

Acts 3:19

10am Mass with the distribution of Ashes

5pm -5:50pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament & Confessions

6pm Mass with the distribution of Ashes


Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

"The Eucharist bathes the tormented soul in light and love. Then the soul appreciates these words, 'Come all you who are sick, I will restore your health." - St. Bernadette Soubirous

Tuesdays 5pm – 5:50pm, Wednesdays and Thursdays (unless there is a funeral) 9:15am – 9:50am,

Fridays 5pm – 5:50pm, Saturdays 9am – 9:50am



"There are people who are afraid to go to confession, forgetting that they will not encounter a severe judge there, but the immensely merciful Father." - Pope Franics

Ash Wednesday 5pm – 5:45pm; Fridays 5pm – 5:45pm; Saturdays 9am – 9:45am


Stations of the Cross

"In difficult moments, I will fix my gaze upon the silent Heart of Jesus stretched on the Cross, and from the exploding flames of His merciful Heart, will flow down upon me power and strength to keep fighting." – St. Faustina

Nobody has volunteered to lead the Stations of the Cross after the Friday Masses during Lent so far. If you would like to then please contact Fr. O'Brien:

I (Fr. O) can lead them on Friday 7th March but sadly not after. A number of parishioners have asked could I lead them after a Wednesday morning Mass and I'm able to do that from Wednesday 12th March.    


Lancashire Martyr Talks – 13th March & 18th March

This Lent Fr. John Broadley, parish priest of St. Marie's, Haslingden and church historian has very kindly agreed to give two talks on some of the Lancashire Martyrs. In this Holy Year with the theme 'Pilgrims of Hope', it is a good time to reflect and celebrate those past pilgrims of our Church who have trod our county of Lancashire holding on to the Faith despite persecution.    

7pm Thursday 13th March: Blessed Robert Nutter & Venerable John Nutter.

7pm Tuesday 18th March: Venerable Edward Rishton.

Refreshments will be available after each talk. 


Parish Lenten & Easter Walks

It would be wonderful to have some parish walks again this year however to do that we need people who are willing to facilitate and lead them. If any parishioners would like to volunteer to undertake this then please contact the parish office In the meantime Fr. O'Brien will lead a walk along the Tolkein Trail


Tolkein Trail Sunday 23rd March (Lent)

The Lord of the Rings reminds us of the power of Good over Evil. It was this landscape in the Ribble valley, around Stonyhurst College, that was meant to have shaped Tolkein's imagination when writing about the home of the Hobbits – The Shire.

Meeting at Hurst Green village car park by the Bayley Arms, 1:30pm

Distance 6 ½ miles 10.5km, Approx 3 hours

It is important to note that each person who joins us will be responsible for themselves and those in their family group.  Children must be accompanied by an adult. Be prepared for muddy hillsides and fells. Bring appropriate footware, clothing and food and drinks for the journey.


Divine Mercy Sunday

On Divine Mercy Sunday, 27th April at 2pm, we will have Divine Mercy Devotions with Adoration, Confessions, Divine Mercy Chaplet and the Holy Mass. All are welcome. For more information please see Paddy Clayton



Building Update

As of today (2pm, Friday 28th February 2025) all major roofing work on the church and presbytery have now been completed. This is good news for us but not for the buckets who finally got evicted! Over the next few months there will be some superficial work and routine inspections to ensure the longevity of the roof work. The diocesan property department are now looking towards investigating further the drainage issues around the property as well as the wall along Catlow Hall Street.           



Parish Bible Study – St. John's Gospel

The next session is Wednesday 12th March from 7pm – 8pm. All are welcome. All you need is a Bible and an openness to come to know Our Lord better.



Piety Stall

This weekend you will find a new order of A Simple Prayer Book (£3.95)on sale at the piety stall at the back of church. A Simple Prayer Book is the essential companion to prayer every Catholic needs, including the Order of Mass, a wide assortment of prayers, and simple explanations on key elements of the Catholic faith. Why not purchase one this Lent to help as an aid in prayer.



A Message from the Friendship Club

The Friendship Club meets on the first Wednesday of the month in St Joseph's Parish Hall, Belgarth Rd, Accrington. We seem to have lost many of our friends from St Mary's Parish and we would love to meet new ones. We meet between 1:30pm and finish about 4:30pm. All are welcome male or female, young or old. If you have mobility or transport problems, we can often help you out. With this in mind many of our drivers can no longer help due to age related problems, we would also welcome volunteers to ferry some of our members to and from. For more information call Susan McKeown 07910747347



Jubilee for Communications
In celebration of the Holy Year, we are having a Jubilee of Jubilees to shine a light on a number of different themes represented in our diocese. We begin with our Jubilee for Communications, in which we explore this month's Gospels to reflect on how we can share the Good News in our world today. Access the resources now at 



Diocesan Synod
We are now approaching the last phase and important culmination of our Diocesan Synod, which we began in 2023. Next weekend we will be holding our Diocesan Voting Day, where clergy and lay synod members will come together to vote on recommendations that will form the Diocesan Pastoral Plan. Please pray for all those involved in the Synod Process that the Holy Spirit may guide and inspire us as we work together to discern God's call for the Church in our diocese. The following day there is an opportunity to give thanks for the Synod and pray for guidance as we move into the planning and implementation phases. This Thanksgiving Service will officially close the Diocesan Synod and is open to all to attend.
When: Sunday 2nd March 2025
Venue: St Patricks RC Church, Livesey Street, Collyhurst, Manchester. M4 5HF
Time: 15:00 to 17:00
Parking: Available in Caritas House car park at the end of Nobby Stiles Drive and various car parks within easy walking around the Church.



Are you aged between 18 and 35 or know someone who is? 
Our diocesan charity Caritas Diocese of Salford is looking for young adult volunteers to join their governance committee as co-opted members to help shape the charity in the coming months and years. Find out more about how you can help tackle poverty, homelessness, disadvantage, and displacement in our parish communities at 



Diocesan Pilgrimage to Walsingham 2025

Our diocesan pilgrimage office is now taking bookings for its next annual pilgrimage to Walsingham. Our pilgrimage in this Holy Year of Jubilee will take place on Saturday 3 May 2025, with an option to extend your visit by staying overnight on Friday 2 May. For more information, prices, and details on how to book, please visit or call 0161 817 2209



God Bless and keep praying.

Our Lady of Oswaldtwistle, pray for us.

Saint Joseph, pray for us.


Fr. O'Brien

Friday, 21 February 2025

Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - Sunday 23rd February 2025

Sunday 23rd February 2025

 Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time


Masses & Liturgies for the coming week...


Friday 21st February

5pm – 5:50pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

 6pm Weekday Mass (Feria)


Saturday 22nd February

9am – 9:50am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament & Sacrament of Confession

10am Mass, The Chair of Saint Peter (Feast) (Celebrated in Lady Chapel)

St. Peter and his successors, the popes, were chosen as the "visible and principal signs of unity", a point of reference so as to embark on the journey of faith confidently and securely. The Feast of the "Chair" of Peter, therefore, is a recognition of the spiritual significance of St. Peter and his successors, as well as a privileged manifestation of God's love who is our good and eternal Shepherd who wants to gather His entire Church and guide it on the path of salvation.

6pm The Holy Rosary for Peace in the World

6:30pm Vigil Mass of The Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)


Sunday 23rd February

9:30am The Holy Rosary for Peace in the World

10am Mass of The Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)


Wednesday 26th February

9:15am – 9:50am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 

10am Weekday Mass (Feria)


Thursday 27th February

9:15am – 9:50am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 

10am Weekday Mass (Feria)


Friday 28th February

5pm – 5:50pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

 6pm Weekday Mass (Feria)


Saturday 1st March

9am – 9:50am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament & Sacrament of Confession

10am Mass, Saint David, Bishop (Feast) (Celebrated in Lady Chapel)  

St. David was born in Cardigan in 520A.D. He founded monasteries and became Bishop and Primate of Wales. He settled his See at Mynyw (Menevia) where he died in 588A.D.  

6pm The Holy Rosary for Peace in the World

6:30pm Vigil Mass of The Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)


Sunday 2nd March

9:30am The Holy Rosary for Peace in the World

10am Mass of The Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)



Sanctuary Lamp

This week (16th February – 22nd February), the Sanctuary Lamp is for June Scott & Family.



Our Lady's Lamp

This week (22nd February – 1st March), Our Lady's Lamp is for The Gattei Family & The Bevan Family.



Last Week's Offertory Collection

£807.24. Thank you for your kind generosity.



Second Collection Notice
Our Diocesan Retired Priests' Fund is a vital resource that provides accommodation, care, and support to our clergy during their retirement. When the fund was first established, it was practice having a specified second collection in parishes to help support the fund.  These Second Collection dates were paused during Covid and, as yet, have not returned. The Vicars General have agreed that active collecting for the Fund should resume this year, and so there will be a Second Collection on the First Sunday of Lent (9th March).  



Caritas Appeal: Thank You

Thank you so much to your parishioners who continue to pray for children, families and individuals experiencing poverty, homelessness and disadvantage. We are so very grateful to receive the cheque for an incredible £129.03 from your Caritas Sunday collection.  Please understand what a help this will be towards our many expenses to support those coming to us for help. As you and your parishioners well know, the need for 'caritas' – love in action - is still great.  There are over 333,000 children living in poverty in the geography covered by Caritas Salford's services – which is almost every other child in a classroom in some areas.  At the last count in June 2024, there were 419 people sleeping rough over the course of the month and 5,805 households in temporary accommodation, including 8,046 children.  And, there are thousands more at risk of losing their home, due to the financial difficulties they are experiencing.  We never take your generosity for granted. Thank you once again for your ongoing support. 



Lent & Easter 2025

This year Lent begins on Ash Wednesday 5th March. Over the six weeks we are called to re-direct our hearts and minds towards Jesus through fasting, prayer and almsgiving. Lent is our spiritual spring clean that allows us to become aware of those things in life that stop us living for the Lord and loving Him. Throughout this penitential period there will be, as always, plenty of opportunity for prayer and meditation.


Ash Wednesday – 5th March

"Change your hearts and lives! Turn back to God so that your sins may be wiped away." Acts 3:19

10am Mass with the distribution of Ashes

5pm -5:50pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament & Confessions

6pm Mass with the distribution of Ashes


Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

"The Eucharist bathes the tormented soul in light and love. Then the soul appreciates these words, 'Come all you who are sick, I will restore your health." - St. Bernadette Soubirous

Tuesdays 5pm – 5:50pm, Wednesdays and Thursdays (unless there is a funeral) 9:15am – 9:50am,

Fridays 5pm – 5:50pm, Saturdays 9am – 9:50am



"There are people who are afraid to go to confession, forgetting that they will not encounter a severe judge there, but the immensely merciful Father." - Pope Franics

Ash Wednesday 5pm – 5:45pm; Fridays 5pm – 5:45pm; Saturdays 9am – 9:45am


Stations of the Cross

"In difficult moments, I will fix my gaze upon the silent Heart of Jesus stretched on the Cross, and from the exploding flames of His merciful Heart, will flow down upon me power and strength to keep fighting." – St. Faustina

Friday 7th March after the 6pm Mass. This Lent volunteers are needed to help lead the Stations of the Cross. Please contact Fr. O'Brien:  


Lancashire Martyr Talks – 13th March & 18th March

This Lent Fr. John Broadley, parish priest of St. Marie's, Haslingden and church historian has very kindly agreed to give two talks on some of the Lancashire Martyrs. In this Holy Year with the theme 'Pilgrims of Hope', it is a good time to reflect and celebrate those past pilgrims of our Church who have trod our county of Lanccashire holding on to the Faith despite persecution.     

7pm Thursday 13th March: Blessed Robert Nutter & Venerable John Nutter.

7pm Tuesday 18th March: Venerable Edward Rishton.

Refreshments will be available after each talk.  


Parish Lenten & Easter Walks

It would be wonderful to have some parish walks again this year however to do that we need people who are willing to facilitate and lead them. If any parishioners would like to volunteer to undertake this then please contact the parish office In the meantime Fr. O'Brien will lead a walk along the Tolkein Trail.   

Tolkein Trail Sunday 20th March (Lent)

The Lord of the Rings reminds us of the power of Good over Evil. It was this landscape in the Ribble valley, around Stonyhurst College, that was meant to have shaped Tolkein's imagination when writing about the home of the Hobbits – The Shire.

Meeting at Hurst Green village car park by the Bayley Arms, 1:30pm

Distance 6 ½ miles 10.5km, Approx 3 hours

It is important to note that each person who joins us will be responsible for themselves and those in their family group.  Children must be accompanied by an adult. Be prepared for muddy hillsides and fells. Bring appropriate footware, clothing and food and drinks for the journey.


Divine Mercy Sunday

On Divine Mercy Sunday, 27th April at 2pm, we will have Divine Mercy Devotions with Adoration, Confessions, Divine Mercy Chaplet and the Holy Mass. All are welcome. For more information please see Paddy Clayton



The Relics of Saint Gerard Majella  

A Triduum for the Relics of St. Gerard Majella is taking place in St. Joseph's, Audley Range, Blackburn, next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings (25th-27th February), it is part of a national tour being given by the Redemptorists. Fr. Royston Price CSsR will be leading over the three evenings. The evenings are concentrated around 3 patronages of St. Gerard: "Friend of Workers", Making a Good Confession", "The Mother's Saint". Each evening begins at 6.30pm with private prayer before the relics, then Mass at 7pm and individual and family blessings with the relic after Mass. People will be offered the opportunity to go to Confession after Mass. Refreshments will be available after Mass.



Parish Bible Study – St. John's Gospel

The next session is Wednesday 12th March from 7pm – 8pm. All are welcome. All you need is a Bible and an openness to come to know Our Lord better.



Jubilee for Communications
In celebration of the Holy Year, we are having a Jubilee of Jubilees to shine a light on a number of different themes represented in our diocese. We begin with our Jubilee for Communications, in which we explore this month's Gospels to reflect on how we can share the Good News in our world today. Access the resources now at 



Jubilee Book Signing Event

A special book signing and reading event is due to take place to celebrate the launch of two new books about our diocese by Mgr John Allen - 'A popular history of the Diocese of Salford' and 'Pilgrims of Hope: Out and About in Salford Diocese'.  It will be held on Monday 3 March at 5pm at St Patrick's Church, in Collyhurst. You can book your free place now at All proceeds from book sales go to Caritas Salford.



Diocesan Synod
We are now approaching the last phase and important culmination of our Diocesan Synod, which we began in 2023. Next weekend we will be holding our Diocesan Voting Day, where clergy and lay synod members will come together to vote on recommendations that will form the Diocesan Pastoral Plan. Please pray for all those involved in the Synod Process that the Holy Spirit may guide and inspire us as we work together to discern God's call for the Church in our diocese. The following day there is an opportunity to give thanks for the Synod and pray for guidance as we move into the planning and implementation phases. This Thanksgiving Service will officially close the Diocesan Synod and is open to all to attend.
When: Sunday 2nd March 2025
Venue: St Patricks RC Church, Livesey Street, Collyhurst, Manchester. M4 5HF
Time: 15:00 to 17:00
Parking: Available in Caritas House car park at the end of Nobby Stiles Drive and various car parks within easy walking around the Church.



Are you aged between 18 and 35 or know someone who is? 
Our diocesan charity Caritas Diocese of Salford is looking for young adult volunteers to join their governance committee as co-opted members to help shape the charity in the coming months and years. Find out more about how you can help tackle poverty, homelessness, disadvantage, and displacement in our parish communities at 



Diocesan Pilgrimage to Walsingham 2025

Our diocesan pilgrimage office is now taking bookings for its next annual pilgrimage to Walsingham. Our pilgrimage in this Holy Year of Jubilee will take place on Saturday 3 May 2025, with an option to extend your visit by staying overnight on Friday 2 May. For more information, prices, and details on how to book, please visit or call 0161 817 2209



Job Vacancy

Parish Administrator – St. Mary's Presbytery, Oswaldtwistle  

Appointment Type: Part-time, permanent
Working Hours: 5 hours per week. Working pattern to be agreed with the Parish Priest.
Location: St Mary's Presbytery, Catlow Hall Street, Oswaldtwistle, BB5 3EZ
Salary:  £13.23 per hour
Find out more and apply at 



God Bless and keep praying.

Our Lady of Oswaldtwistle, pray for us.

Saint Joseph, pray for us.


Fr. O'Brien